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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ways to Store Plastic Grocery Bags


Four Ways To Store Plastic Grocery Bags

Filed under: Cleaning/Decorating — Savvy Housekeeper at 7:57 am on Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Even if you use reusable grocery bags, chances are that plastic grocery bags still make their way into your house. Since I reuse the bags I get, I usually stuff them in another plastic bag and shove them under the sink. The trouble is, the bags tend to fall out into the cupboard. So I took around for some better solutions. Here’s what I have so far:
savvyhousekeeping four ways to store reuse recycle plastic grocery bags bag
Real Simple suggests you store the plastic bags in an empty tissue box. I have tried this before and found it was annoying to put the bags in the box. But if you only reuse a few plastic bags, this might be a perfect solution for you.
savvyhousekeeping four ways to store reuse recycle plastic grocery bags bag
In a similar vein, Nàe Chic recycled a disinfectant cloth containers by making it into a container for her “doggie poo bags.” But it could work for plastic grocery bags too.
savvyhousekeeping four ways to store reuse recycle plastic grocery bags bag
Woman’s Day informed me of this “easy-to-hang container has a self-adjusting divider and holds up to 50 grocery bags.” While I wouldn’t buy a special thing just to hold the grocery bags, but this would solve my plastic bag storing needs. Instead, I might keep my eye open for a flip-top garbage can at the thrift store.
savvyhousekeeping four ways to store reuse recycle plastic grocery bags bag
Finally, Make It and Love It has a tutorial for making your own grocery bag holder. You put new bags at the top and pull them from the bottom. It’s attractive too.
How to do store your plastic grocery bags?

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