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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Types of Popcorn Seeds

Popcorn is a favorite of every American household. Surprisingly, there are many different types of popcorn seeds on the market; they come in a unique variety of colors, flavors and sizes, which makes it easy to eat this healthy, fiber-filled snack everyday.


  1. Yellow popcorn is the most popular brand throughout the United States. It is the largest when popped, and is the cheapest available.
  2. Red

  3. Red popcorn has a small kernel that expands to a rather large piece of popcorn, and tends to have a nutty flavor.
  4. White

  5. White popcorn is large and fluffy when popped, and tastes mildly like corn.
  6. Blue

  7. Blue popcorn has a unique flavor and pops into large, white kernels with blue speckles.
  8. Baby Rice

  9. Baby Rice popcorn is a very flavorful, hull-less popcorn with small, tender kernels.
  10. Black 

  11. Black popcorn has a very crunchy, medium sized kernel. Although the un-popped kernel is black, it becomes very white when popped.

By eHow Contributor V. L. Hamblin

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